Tuesday 8 November 2016

US Presidency Election - Clinton May Win

The charts were very giving very wrong signals the last week. I took a big loss because of fear and the constant selling down in STI just scared the hell out of me. At first it looked as though the market was about to collapsed due to the continuous profits taking that took place. And then yesterday the unexpected happened, the Dow futures gap up and from there I knew, I might have made a wrong judgement and have to switch from being bearish to bullish. In hours to come, we will have a new president in the US, as of now, I am favoring more towards a Clinton win, but well, anything can happen. We shall wait patiently for the vote and results. Click below to see my wrong judgement.


Ronald K - A Game Changer

Sunday 6 November 2016

US Presidency Election - Who Will Win?

I was at an art gallery yesterday searching for new ideas and inspiration for my personal and spiritual self. Walking at the gallery just kept me amazed by modern and past artists that use their imagination to produce master pieces from their straw of effort. Some were pretty expensive into the millions while others are still affordable. I am not looking to buy the most expensive art but maybe 1 or 2 pieces that can speak to me spiritually. I saw 2 art pieces that showed the world from mankind civilization to a world that would end in horrific stage which prompted me to study the Dow Jones chart on who will win the US presidency.

It looks like Donald Trump would win the election next week. The Dow chart showed some kind of severe breaking down weakness and I expect a huge spike down for this 1 day event which then slowly recovers. The market will be very volatile next week and I suggest to stay out first until the dust has settled. I am not sure if I am right or wrong but I am not taking any chances on this major event because one wrong move may deplete your funds. Will watch closely next week. Have a great weekend.

Ronald K - A Game Changer